We went as far as bTrigance/b, then were able to get to the other side of the gorge and return to Moustiers. In retrospect, I think we should have just stayed near Lac St. Croix and enjoyed some water activity - swimming, boating, or just lounging. ... (Chevy Chase - National Lampoon European bVacation/b). We needed this phrase quite a few times! We stopped and I got out and walked back to a service station. The French I had been working on so diligently for the past 9 months ...
En participant ? l?inauguration du tr?s bel agrandissement des locaux de l?Institut Médico Educatif d?Epinay S/Seine, j?ai pu, lors de mes discussions, mesurer concr?tement les attentes, les inquiétudes et les espoirs des familles et ...